Black Diamond Realty Will Quarterback your Deal Across the Goal Line
Every successful football team is led by a quarterback. Quarterbacks think on their feet, capitalize on the strengths of their team, call audibles when necessary and read and anticipate the defensive strategies of the opposing side, all with one goal in mind: getting into the end zone. Commercial Real Estate (CRE) transactions, both simple and complicated, need a strong quarterback to get deals across the goal line.
Much like a defense on a football team, some ‘defenders’ are both working directly against you while others are working to protect their own interests.
Defensive Team in CRE
Safeties – Time and Regulations
Line Backers – Zoning, Inspections and Utilities
Cornerbacks – Financing and Legal Issues
Defensive Ends – NIMBYs (Not In My Back Yard) and Surveys
Defensive Line – Sellers and Buyers
A good quarterback will assist you with the challenges that arise during a touchdown drive. Reading the safeties before the play, calling an audible when the line backers are lined up staring you down, checking down to your 2nd and 3rd wide out when the corners are in position to shut you down, nimble enough to escape the defensive ends when they blow past your lineman, and most important keeping the defensive line from blowing up your play or drive with a sack or tackle for loss.
With over eight years of experience and wisdom, I have quarterbacked dozens and dozens of deals across the goal line. I have seen that you not only need a winning quarterback to consistently lead a championship team, but the team he plays for needs to have a winning culture like Black Diamond Realty. Very few deals have lined up like ‘the perfect play’ where everyone maintains their assignment, the perfect pass is thrown and caught for a 65 yard TD. Reading the challenges that lay ahead, thinking on my feet, directing receivers where to go is what separates a championship quarterback from one who is just good enough to be there.
Black Diamond Realty has the experience and expertise to help navigate your commercial real estate deal, play-by-play, first down after first down, to get across the goal line. We offer a championship caliber lineup of top-notch quarterbacks that design winning game plans and ensure successful transactions while leading with a winning attitude. As another exciting season of college football is upon us, Team BDR is suited up and ready to lead you and your team to a win on the field of commercial real estate.