We started the decade with a goal: fix the problems that confront West Virginia and her people. In pursuit of that goal, we have empowered a strong, aggressive championship team to help take the lead in powering a dynamic, vibrant economy in the Mountain State.
Now, two years into the 2020s, we can proudly share that West Virginia boasted a historic revenue surplus of $413 million in FY 2021. Tourism across the state is breaking all records for visits and revenue and West Virginia has seen a balanced budget — without tax increases — for five consecutive years. We have also seen major reductions in business taxes over the past seven years, including eliminating the Business Franchise Tax.
These successes are underscored by the caliber of companies who have recently elected to call West Virginia home. Since 2017, West Virginia has seen more than $7.3 billion in business investments.
Manufacturing Expands!
Nucor, North America’s largest steel and steel products company, recently announced the construction of a new state-of-the-art sheet mill on a greenfield site in Mason County. This investment of $2.7 billion is the largest in West Virginia history. This will bring 800 full-time jobs and approximately 1,000 construction jobs to the state.
GreenPower Motor Company Inc. announced they will be leasing/purchasing a 9.5-acre manufacturing facility in South Charleston. This facility will include an 80,000-square-foot building. The company will manufacture zero-emission, all-electric school buses, bringing 200 new jobs this year and 900 jobs within the next two years and millions of dollars in economic impact to West Virginia.
West Virginia University Medicine and Owens & Minor Inc are creating over 125 jobs, with an estimated $50 million investment in the Mountain State.
West Virginia continues to thrive and has been recognized as 10th in best business climate, according to the Business Facilities 2021 State Rankings Report. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Industry Report in 2020, West Virginia ranks first with the lowest turnover rate in manufacturing.
Building Infrastructure for Tomorrow!
West Virginia is conveniently located within 500 miles of 50 percent of the US population and 30 percent of Canada’s population. This proximity, coupled with access to an extensive interstate highway system, river transportation, and rail network, makes West Virginia the ideal location to build and expand business opportunities. We are also committed to providing West Virginians with improved Broadband access. Through the Broadband Investment Plan, we’ve pledged a $1 billion commitment to expand Broadband in West Virginia.
In addition to bringing thousands of new jobs to the state, West Virginia is leading the change with employee recruitment with a first-of-its-kind partnership with JobCase, a free jobs portal that empowers West Virginians to find employment opportunities.
As we advance through the 2020s, West Virginia will continue to invest in our people and highlight the beauty and opportunities found within our borders.